[Election] Candidacy Promoting Video
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Writer: WT Asia   Comment: 0   Hit: 4,549 Date: 2021-09-24본문
We are please to inform you that the promotion videos of candidates have been uploaded on ATU Official YouTube Channel.
You can watch the videos by clicking the following links.
Thank you for your attention.
1. Candidates for Vice-President
▶ Mr. Ngoc De Truong
: https://youtu.be/TTLNLYz30kQ
▶ Mr. Abubakr Abdullatif K KORDI
: https://youtu.be/gRprLEqk_-w
2. Candidate for Council Member
▶ Mr. Fadi Jaser Taher HUSSEIN
: https://youtu.be/gVD5GHOwJtY
▶ Ms. Nancy Adnan EL-HINDI
: https://youtu.be/svSocojrNFo