Asian Junior Taekwondo Championships RESULT_(Day-2) Asian 12th Asian Junior Taekwondo Championships
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Writer: ATU   Comment: 0   Hit: 7,054 Date: 2023-09-04본문
Please find the attachments regarding the Asian 12th Asian Junior Taekwondo Championships on September 3rd, 2023 in Beirut, Lebanon.
- day 2 juniors drawsheets with results.pdf (126.0K) 172Download | DATE : 2023-09-04 03:48:10
- day 2 juniors medallists by weight category.pdf (403.9K) 100Download | DATE : 2023-09-04 03:48:10
- day 2 juniors medallists.pdf (404.1K) 87Download | DATE : 2023-09-04 03:48:10